Boosting Your Online Presence : E-commerce Solutions

Nobi Tech Solutions E-commerce Solutions

For companies of all sizes, having a strong online presence is essential in the modern digital world. Reaching clients online may have a big impact on your business, no matter how big or small you are. E-commerce solutions that work are a great way to improve your online presence, and Nobi Tech Solutions can help with their e-commerce services.

We at Nobi-tech Solutions recognize the value of e-commerce in the tech industry. For this reason, we provide specialized e-commerce solutions that are intended to assist companies in increasing their online visibility and revenue.

Our e-commerce solutions are made with efficiency and simplicity in mind. We collaborate extensively with our clients to fully grasp their objectives and demands before creating specially designed e-commerce systems to satisfy them.

Scalability is one of the main advantages of our e-commerce systems. Our solutions can expand to meet your demands, whether you’re a large corporation with complex requirements or a small business just getting started. We are equipped with the knowledge to provide solutions that work for your company, whether it be basic web storefronts or complex multi-channel e-commerce systems.
Our experienced team of designers and developers uses industry best practices along with the newest technologies to produce e-commerce solutions that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also simple to use and intuitive. Our top priority is to provide your customers with flawless shopping experiences, from product browsing to purchasing and beyond.

We not only get success and create e-commerce platforms, but we also provide continuous support and upkeep to guarantee that your online business stays safe, current, and successful. Since the e-commerce industry is always changing, we are dedicated to assisting our clients to stay on top of it.

The e-commerce service of Nobi Tech Solutions benefits your business by enhancing your online presence. Nobi-tech solutions provide services for new e-commerce stores and start-ups also. Our other services include:

Level Up Your Online Presence with Our UI\UX Designs :

Nobi Tech Solutions is a leading mobile and internet UI/UX design service provider. Our team is focused on creating visually appealing designs that enhance the entire user experience. To design, develop, and bring ideas to life, our specialists use a number of tools such as Figma, Adobe XD, and others.

Elevating Interactions: A Seamless Fusion of UI & UX Design :

UX Design is a comprehensive field focusing on users’ entire experience with a product. It involves analyzing user behaviors, needs, and goals to create visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly interfaces. The main goal of UX Design is to provide a seamless, enjoyable experience for users throughout their interaction with the product.

Unleash Your Creativity: Mastering Digital Design Tools for Seamless UX/UI Design

Embrace the power of innovative tools like Figma and Adobe XD to revolutionize your UX/UI design process. These platforms offer a user-friendly interface, seamless collaboration, and robust features that enable you to create visually stunning, intuitive, and functional designs. With these tools, you can bring your creative visions to life and elevate user experiences across various digital platforms.

To find out more about how our e-commerce solutions can help your company succeed in the digital era, get in contact with us right now. Together, let’s make the most of your internet presence and accomplish your e-commerce objectives.

Website Development Cost: Everything You Need to Know

In today’s digital age, making a website for your business is the most important part. It will help to grow the business or organization. Everyone makes it for the online presence of their business to connect with their audience and showcase the product and services, but the main question is that How much it costs to develop a website.

let’s break it down in simple terms

Type of website:

The cost of developing a website depends on the type of website you want. A simple brochure website with a few pages can cost less than a complex e-commerce website with multiple features and functionalities.

Design and development:

Two of the most important aspects influencing price are your website’s design and development. It will cost more to create a bespoke design with special features and functionalities than to use a template-based design.

1. Domain Name:

First things, you need a domain name (e.g., This usually costs around $25 to $35 per year. Choose a name that represents your brand and is easy to remember.

2. Web Hosting:

This can be thought of as the online home for your website. Reliable hosting can be found for $20 to $25 a month; however, prices vary. SiteGround, Bluehost, and HostGator are a few well-known hosting companies.

3. Website Builder or CMS:

If you are not a coding expert or content management expert, using a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress or a website builder will be a good decision. While many CMS systems have free plans, there may be additional fees for themes and plugins on website builders.

4. Website Design and Themes:

The website’s appearance and design are important. There are free website designs available but expect to pay between $50 and $110 for a unique or high-end design. If you hire a professional website designer, then the price can vary, depending on the designer.

5. Content Creation:

Content creation is an essential part of the website, it includes texts, images, and videos, if you are creating it by yourself then it will cost only your time, but if will hire a professional for content creation, it will cost from $510 to $2,010 depending on complexity.

6. Website Maintenance:

The website requires frequent updating. It’s a good idea to budget $210 to $510 per year for maintenance and potential future enhancements, even though some CMS updates are free.

7. Marketing and Promotion:

Marketing is an important factor for promotion and grabbing an audience. There could be some marketing expenses associated with spreading the word about your website. Depending on your objectives, this might be anything from social media marketing advertisements to a more involved plan.

  Domain NameThe special address you find in your browser’s address bar.  $25 to $35 per
  Web HostingA service that maintains the online accessibility of your website  $20 to $25 a monthGoDaddy Namecheap Hostinger Bluehost
  Design and ThemesCreating a website involves how it looks and how easy it is to use. Here’s a simple rule: the simpler the design, the less it costs.    $50 and $110OceanWP for WordPress AstraWP for wordpress Custom Web Design using HTML and CSS
  Website MaintenanceWebsite maintenance can fix website-related problems and keep your website updated on your content management system.      $210 to $510Updating the CMS, CMS Plugins, Web Server, Web Server OS Fixing known security issues  
  Marketing and PromotionMarketing through social media and ads are important factors    $600-1810/yearUpdating your site’s content for Search Engines Updating your Ads Keeping your Social Media update
  Content CreationFor engaging customers through content  $510 to $2,010Updating your website texts, images, videos etc


In general, the cost of developing websites can range from $1,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on the factors mentioned above. However, it’s essential to remember that a website is an investment in your business, and the return on investment can be significant in terms of increased visibility, leads, and sales. In conclusion, several variables affect the cost of creating a website, therefore it’s critical to collaborate with a trustworthy web development business that can provide you with an accurate estimate based on your unique needs. You can select the best option for your company and make an informed decision by being aware of the elements that influence website development costs.