Short Courses

Learn and develop your skills with Nobi tech solutions

Are you prepared to advance your skills in the future? The amazing collaboration between Nobi Tech Solutions and the Canadian College of Science and Technology is the only place to look! We are pleased to provide a variety of learning and development short courses at affordable fee. We have something for everyone, whether you’re an experienced professional hoping to expand your experience or someone who is looking to discover a fresh domain.

Our 6-month short courses offer comprehensive learning and skill development in various fields, with dedicated instructors and a structured curriculum, allowing students to achieve professional excellence in just half a year along with practical based learning.

Front End Development:

With our Front-End Development course, explore the world of web development. Gain knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design visually appealing and dynamic user interfaces.

Back End Development:

Our Back End Development course covers understanding backend architecture, developing applications using Node.js and MongoDB, creating RESTful APIs, GIT basics, and cloud services and deployment.

Full Stack Development:

Ready to become a versatile developer Our Full Stack Development course covers internet and web applications, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript basics, responsive design with Bootstrap, database management with MongoDB, robust API development, Git basics, and mini projects with apply concepts.

Graphic Designing (Basic and Advanced Level):

Our Graphic Designing courses offer two levels of learning: Design Fundamentals, which covers basic design principles, typography, and layout, and Advanced Design Fundamentals, which explores complex design concepts using advanced software tools. Both courses provide personalized instruction from experienced designers and offer practical-based learning. Students can build a portfolio and unlock career opportunities in advertising and digital media.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

Our SEO course offers an introduction to Search Engine Optimization, covering on-page and off-page optimization techniques, content research, keyword selection, SEO reporting, and analytics, and developing an SEO action plan for your website.

Digital Marketing:

The Digital Marketing course equips individuals with the skills to create effective online campaigns, including social media advertising, content marketing, optimized paid ads, Twitter marketing strategies, LinkedIn profile optimization, Instagram and Facebook marketing, YouTube marketing, SEO, and Pay Per Click (PPC) strategies, all aimed at enhancing business growth and monetization in the digital age.

WordPress Development:

Join millions of users worldwide by mastering WordPress development. Our short course, covers CMS basics, local setup, live installation and configuration, popular page builders, plugin integration, theme customization, and contact form integration for millions of users worldwide.

Whether you want to work in marketing, tech, or design, our courses are the perfect opportunity to advance your skills and achieve your career goals. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from experts in the field at a much lower price. Take the first step toward a better future by enrolling now! We have weekdays and weekends both slots available.

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